Nataliya Kosmyna is a post-doc associate at the Fluid Interfaces Group in the MIT Media Lab. She is passionate about the idea of creating a partnership between AI and human intelligence, the fusing of a machine and the human brain.
She obtained her Ph.D in Computer Science as a part of the EHCI team of Université Grenoble-Alpes, France in 2015. Most of her projects are focused around Brain-Computer Interfaces in the context of consumer grade applications. Nataliya was previously a post-doc at Hybrid team, Inria Rennes, France. She has published and served as a program committee member in conferences and journals such as CHI, Ubicomp, INTERACT, TOCHI, MobileHCI, Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, and more. She has given 2 TEDx talks. Nataliya is the author of such project as “piloting a drone with your brain” and several others. These projects were presented to the general public and were tested by more than 3000 people in 2015-2018.
Nataliya won multiple awards for her work: a prize for best Ph.D dissertation from Université Grenoble Alpes community; a fellowship from L’Oréal-UNESCO for Women and Science in 2016; a fellowship from Dassault Systems US Foundation in 2018. She was also named as Top French Talent 2017 from MIT Innovators Under 35.